
Natural CBD Oil 2500 mg


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Natural CBD Oil 2500 mg

  • Unflavored
  • Contains 2500 mg of CBD per bottle
  • Non-GMO
  • No pesticides, herbicides, solvents or chemical fertilizers
  • Non-psychoactive (Less than 0.3 % THC)
  • Laboratory tested

Size :  60 ml



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Detailed Information:

 This Natural CBD Oil 2500 mg is an unflavored CBD option for increased health benefits and vitality. It is composed of the standard Pure Kana full-spectrum CBD oil formulation, with an increased amount of CBD to appeal to a wider range of consumers.An ideal option for those wanting the most that hemp can offer with no added flavors or aromas,This CBD oil has an earthy, natural hemp taste and fragrance you will barely notice.

This is your source for high-concentrate CBD oil in a natural flavor. It’s affordable, available for free shipping, and easy to consume.


One of the newest additions to our Unflavored Natural CBD Collection, the 2500 mg oil has the same gentle hemp taste and ‘aroma-less’ scent, while still containing a robust amount of CBD. This Natural CBD Oil 2500 is your direct access point to experiencing the benefits of cannabidiol. This 2500 mg oil is best for individuals who are looking for a strong CBD option, as well as those who would like to consume more milligrams per dollar spent


When deciding on the right amount of CBD to consume, it’s best to start low and gradually increase until you reach the desired result. This 2500 mg CBD oil is more ideal for serious users, but of course,individual’s body chemistry may require a different daily amount. This is where the amount of drops taken per day may vary. Feel free to try out a variety of milligram amounts,starting out small and building as needed.

When you want quality CBD-rich hemp oil, buy from us – a brand you can trust.                                                                            *Not designed for vaping 

*Oil color may vary


If you’ve done any reading up on cannabidiol as an active compound,you’re already aware of the benefits of CBD oil.

However, did you know that this full-spectrum CBD extracts also contain other beneficial cannabis compounds like terpenes and phyto-cannabinoids? Essential components that work in harmony to stimulate whole-body wellness and support.


  • This listing is for our high-strength 2500 mg CBD oil
  • Contains natural hemp terpenes and phyto-cannabinoids to enhance CBD-based benefits
  • Our Natural CBD Oil (unflavored) contains no added flavor and maintains a full-spectrum of hemp extract
  • Versatile oil to meet each individual’s needs
  • Comes with dropper top for convenient milligram measurements

Given that today’s CBD market is jam-packed with various CBD extracts and hemp seed oils,it can be extremely tough trying to find an unflavored/natural CBD oil that’s truly top quality. We’ve done a lot of research to delivering some of the best-tasting and most beneficial hemp CBD oil for sale online. Additionally, we have received incredible customer feedback with satisfied individuals sharing stories about how our CBD oil made  a difference in their lives.

Nothing but top-quality ingredients of Kentucky-grown and Colorado-grown hemp are incorporated into this Natural CBD oil. And of course, all of our products are lab-tested to ensure there are no residual solvents or unwanted components. The taste of our 2,500 mg Natural CBD Oil may be a little “earthy,” but for those of you that enjoy bitter flavors like black coffee or dark chocolate,we think you’ll love it. And of course, if you prefer an option with flavor, we also offer Mint and Vanilla-infused CBD oils in formulations of 300 mg, 600 mg,and 1000 mg. For those who are looking to find an oil with even more CBD than this 2500 mg listing, we also offer our Natural/Unflavored Oil in a 5000 mg option.

Usage :

Take once or twice daily. Squeeze out 1/2 of the dropper, wait 60-90 seconds,and swallow.

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