Premium Products
1. All our products are researched and manufactured by highly reputable companies
These products set the golden standards for excellence within the natural health industry in the world. All formulations are created in order to produce premium products that help you Take Control of Your Health.
2. Enhanced Bioavailability
Natural products from plants, animals and minerals are not always well absorbed by our bodies. Technologies are developed and tested to enhance absorption, improve bioavailability, or use sustained release technology to help you get the most value for your money.

3. Clean Ingredients
We work to reduce the number of unnecessary ingredients in each formula. For instance, ingredients like magnesium stearate and titanium dioxide that are used as flow agents or lubricants which allow machinery to run faster but end up in the product you consume-we make sure these are left out of our products. In addition, magnesium stearate is often derived from genetically modified plant sources.

4. No GMOs
We don’t allow genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our products. We look to use GMO-free or organic ingredients whenever possible. Even our cotton plugs in the supplement bottles are organic. We avoid corn and soy in our products due to contamination potential, and for those with sensitivities to these allergens.

5. We protect our products from degradation
Foods spoil over time, and so do supplements. We use premium capsules to protect our supplements from degradation and spoilage. Many brands use more commonly available soft gels that are permeable, exposing valuable ingredients to oxidation and potential rancidity.

6. Our products are manufactured according to the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) specific to each type of product
We audit our suppliers to ensure our premium products adhere to the manufacturing regulations.

7. Our products are tested
Our dietary supplement ingredients are tested for identity, potency, stability, contamination and adulteration. Our foods are tested at the ingredient and at the finished product stages to ensure safety and quality.

8. We take sustainability into perspective when selecting our ingredients, packaging and products
We generously support regenerative agriculture and other sustainable programs.

9. Continuous Improvement
We’re always looking to improve our supplies with better ingredients. When organic or more sustainable ingredients become available, we upgrade our products range.